Learn the Truth about playing Guitar with GRAMMY Nominated Music Educator Mike Overly!

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Welcome to GuitarTruth.com! I’m happy you stopped by for the best music education for guitar on the internet!

My mission is to help you become better musicians by presenting simple and efficient methods of learning music and guitar.

I believe that by starting at the beginning and then continuing in an in-order manner, you will never slow down, or have gaps between your thoughts and ideas. My goal is to make sure you are never overwhelmed or confused.

I want to prevent you from falling into a rut, getting stuck on a plateau, or worse yet, from stopping and quitting!

I also hope to make the guitar a music equal to all other instruments by redeeming the guitar from its many false methods. I feel I have done that by creating a learning system that replaces confusion with understanding. And finally, I wish to influence the teachers guitar to teach with the same dignity and respect that is given to band and orchestral instruments.

Nothing could make me feel more proud than to know that I have helped you play better, and given you greater understanding, by providing you with the tools necessary to become the musician that you have always wanted to be!

I thank you in advance for your support of guitartruth.com and 12 Tone Music Publishing. Be sure to keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing. And if you have any comments, questions or suggestion on how to make this site better ~ don’t hesitate to contact me.

The following information will help you to get started.

Who Is Mike Overly?

Mike Overly is a GRAMMY® nominated Music Educator who started 12 Tone Music Publishing, LLC in 1996. For more about Mike, click here. Then, send me an email and introduce yourself, I want to hear from you!

Mike Overly is a member of NAfMA: National Association for Music Education, RPMDA: Retail Print Music Dealers Association and MTNA: Music Teachers National Association. And his methods and products are taught and sold around the world.

What is 12 Tone Music Publishing, LLC?

12 Tone Music Publishing <12tonemusic.com> is the publisher of the works of Mike Overly. It is also the parent company of guitartruth.com and basstruth.com.

12 Tone Music Publishing was founded on innovation - not imitation, with the purpose of presenting a new view of music education for guitar and bass.

12 Tone Music Publishing does not repackage what has already been presented to you countless times, but rather, clarifies your understanding of music, guitar and bass with unique and original content.

With 12 Tone Music products your learning and playing experiences will always be rewarding and never frustrating.

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Now, to get you started, here are a few links to some of my more popular posts.

’til next time, play and have fun... I’ll be listening!